We are working on the English version of PALA throughout 2025


A growing network of satellites is mapping the many leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This knowledge is needed to reduce global warming. But knowledge does not guarantee effective climate action ... especially since governments are playing second fiddle. Very strange.

A study confirms what has long been known: online dating causes greater inequality within societies. What is new is the recent media attention.

Action research confronts the Transition Network Civil Society with some challenges. Civil society organisations seem to lack the power to realise system-wide solutions – for example to regain the grip of society on the banking system after the financial crisis – or to push the political and economic world into that direction.

For twenty years now, I have been marvelling at how many mass media outlets fail to inform beyond the loose sand of countless events, short news stories, petty facts, non-events, gratuitous opinions and increasingly misleading reporting, nonsense or even lies... while there has never been so much opportunity to tmake the world more understandable.